Engleza, întrebare adresată de adinasaf, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog ajutati-ma! Dau punctaj maxim!
Cele doua chenare!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mihai819


Primul chenar:

  1. Bart has got two sisters.
  2. Bart live in a beatiful city called Springfield, in USA.
  3. No, he doesn't.
  4. His mother is a housewife.
  5. He goes to school by bus.
  6. He has lunch at the school canten.
  7. He hates math he finds it really boring.
  8. Milhouse is his best friend.
  9. After having dinner, he brushes his teeth and goes to bed.
  10. He goes to sleep at ten o'clock because he's really sleepy at that time.

Al doilea chenar:

  1. F
  2. F
  3. A
  4. F
  5. A
  6. F
  7. F
  8. A
  9. A
  10. A


Scrie in text.

M-am chinuit ceva timp, daca poti da coroana ar fi super.

adinasaf: o sa iti dau coroana cand imi apare
adinasaf: mulțumesc mult
adinasaf: nu ai de ce sa multumesti
adinasaf: eu trebuie sa multumesc pentru ca ti-ai dat silinta sa raspunzi
adinasaf: ma poti ajuta, mai am o întrebare pe Brainly tot la engleza
Răspuns de residento
1. Bart has 2 sisters.
2. He lives in USA,in a city called Springfield
3. No,he gets up early
4.His mother is a housewife
5. He takes the bus
6. Bart has lunch at the school canteen
7. He finds it really boring
8. Milhouse is his best friend
9. He brushes his teeth then goes to sleep at ten o’ clock,because he is really sleepy at that time.

1. F
2. F
3. A
4. F
5. A
7. F
8. F
9. A
10. F

adinasaf: ma poti ajuta? mai am o întrebare tot pe Brainly la engleza
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