Engleza, întrebare adresată de rnicoleta747, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog ajutați-mă este urgent la 13​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mateiandreianghel99


2.Yes I walk the dag last Friday.

Răspuns de mishah

did you walk the dog last Friday

yes I did

did you wash the car last week

yes I did

did you travel aboard last summer

no I didn't

did you water the plants two days ago

yes I did

did you quarrel your best friend last year ?

yes I did , no I didn't (( nu vad daca scrie Yes/No acolo )

did you carry carry the bags from the store yesterday ?

yes I did , no I didn't (( dinou , nu vad )

rnicoleta747: mersi
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