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III. 1. Have you thought about the THEME of ROMEO AND JULIET ? In the passage below fill in the blanks with suitable words. Choose those suggested on the right (there are more words than you actually need!).
III. 1. Te-ai gandit la TEMA din ROMEO SI JULIETA ? In pasajul de mai jos completeaza spatiile libere cu cuvintele potrivite. Alege din cele propuse in dreapta (sunt mai multe cuvinte decat ai nevoie!).
The principal theme is that of the tension between the two houses, and all the other oppositions (1) of the play derive from that central theme: romance and revenge, love and hate (2), day and night, youth and age (3).
Tema principala este tensiunea dintre cele doua familii, si toate celelalte ostilitati (1) ale piesei deriva din aceasta tema centrala: romantismul si razbunarea, dragostea si ura (2), ziua si noaptea, tineretea si varsta (3).
Another theme is that of identity. The lovers never forget their families, who they are.
Identitatea este o alta tema. Indragostitii nu uita niciodata cine si din ce familii sunt.
They never forget their identities (4). It is only when they are dead, together in their graves that they find peace from the persecution of being a Capulet (5) and a Montague (6).
Nu isi uita niciodata identitatile (4). Numai cand trec in nefiinta, doar acolo in mormant gasesc pacea de a nu fi prigoniti pentru ca sunt din familiile Capulet (5) si Montague (6).
The fact that they are remebered by their first names is an ironic proof that their family names, which was at the root of their tragic (7) end, did not matter at all.
Faptul ca sunt amintiti dupa prenume este o ironica dovada ca numele familiilor lor, care a fost cauza sfarsitului lor tragic (7), nu a mai contat deloc.
III. 1. Te-ai gandit la TEMA din ROMEO SI JULIETA ? In pasajul de mai jos completeaza spatiile libere cu cuvintele potrivite. Alege din cele propuse in dreapta (sunt mai multe cuvinte decat ai nevoie!).
The principal theme is that of the tension between the two houses, and all the other oppositions (1) of the play derive from that central theme: romance and revenge, love and hate (2), day and night, youth and age (3).
Tema principala este tensiunea dintre cele doua familii, si toate celelalte ostilitati (1) ale piesei deriva din aceasta tema centrala: romantismul si razbunarea, dragostea si ura (2), ziua si noaptea, tineretea si varsta (3).
Another theme is that of identity. The lovers never forget their families, who they are.
Identitatea este o alta tema. Indragostitii nu uita niciodata cine si din ce familii sunt.
They never forget their identities (4). It is only when they are dead, together in their graves that they find peace from the persecution of being a Capulet (5) and a Montague (6).
Nu isi uita niciodata identitatile (4). Numai cand trec in nefiinta, doar acolo in mormant gasesc pacea de a nu fi prigoniti pentru ca sunt din familiile Capulet (5) si Montague (6).
The fact that they are remebered by their first names is an ironic proof that their family names, which was at the root of their tragic (7) end, did not matter at all.
Faptul ca sunt amintiti dupa prenume este o ironica dovada ca numele familiilor lor, care a fost cauza sfarsitului lor tragic (7), nu a mai contat deloc.
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