Va rog ajutati-ma la Engleza dau 55 p

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Cerință: Trebuie să rescriem enunțurile date, punând adjectivele în ordinea corectă, iar apoi să scriem ce fel de adjectiv este fiecare.
În limba engleză, ordinea generală a adjectivelor (adică dacă nu vrem să punem accent pe un adjectiv anume) este:
- opinion (opinie) - unusual, lovely, beautiful
- size (mărime) - big, small, tall
- physical quality (calitate fizică) - thin, rough, untidy
- shape (formă) - round, square, rectangular
- age (vârstă) - young, old, youthful
- colour (culoare) - blue, red, pink
- origin (origine) - Dutch, Japanese, Turkish
- material (material) - metal, wood, plastic
- type (tip) - general-purpose, four-sided, U-shaped
- purpose (scop) - cleaning, hammering, cooking
Luăm fiecare adjectiv în parte din paranteze și îl încadrăm într-o categorie:
- strawberry = material
- Italian = origin
- tasty = opinion
- leather = material
- navy-blue = colour
- modern = physical quality
- new = physical quality
- red = colour
- expensive = opinion
- mountain = type
- lovely = opinion
- singing = type
- pure = opinion
- beautiful = opinion
- slim = size
- tall = size
- French = origin
- young = age
- brown and orange = colour
- dining-room = type
- chocolate = material
- delicious = opinion
- birthday = type
- round = shape
- tiny = size
- brown = colour
- fluffy = physical quality
- black = colour
- spectacular = opinion
- Italian = origin
- evening = type
- tennis = purpose
- graphite = material
- new = physical quality
- French = origin
- ninety-year-old = age
- wonderful = opinion
- boring = opinion
- German = origin
- black and white = colour
- pink = colour
- horrible = opinion
- glossy = physical quality
- strict = opinion
- old = age
- biology = type
- American = origin
- wedding = type
- antique = physical quality
- cream = colour
- stunning = opinion
- lace = material
- huge = size
- sports = purpose
- modern = physical quality
- sales = type
- demanding = opinion
- new = physical quality
- large = size
- well-equipped = physical quality
- white = colour
- modern = physical quality
- marble = material
- huge = size
- white = colour
- swimming = purpose
- black = colour
- big = size
- school = purpose
- American = origin
- well-made = opinion
- detective = type
Acum că știm ce tip este fiecare adjectiv, putem să rescriem propozițiile.
- I love tasty, Italian strawberry ice-cream.
- They have a modern, navy-blue, leather sofa.
- He loves his expensive, new, red mountain bike.
- She has a lovely, pure, singing voice.
- He's just sold that suit to a beautiful, slim, tall, young French woman.
- She bought brown and orange, dining-room curtains.
- She bakes delicious, round, chocolate, birthday cakes.
- June has a tiny, fluffy, brown puppy.
- She was given a spectacular, black, Italian, evening dress.
- He bought a new, graphite tennis racquet.
- He has a wonderful, ninety-year-old French grandfather.
- We watched a boring, black and white German film.
- She wears horrible, glossy, pink lipstick.
- We used to have a strict, old, American biology teacher.
- It was a stunning, antique, cream, lace wedding dress.
- Yesterday we went to the huge, modern, sports club.
- Mary has a demanding, new sales job.
- The house has a large, well-equipped, modern, white kitchen.
- It was a huge, white, marble swimming pool.
- He has a big, black school bag.
- I have rarely seen such a well-made, American detective film.
- Lumberjack25
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