Engleza, întrebare adresată de davidoiubogdan12, 8 ani în urmă

va rog ajutati-ma plss,este the second conditional

1. If l (know) her name l (tell) you

2.If i (win) the lotto,l (travel) the world

3.I. (work) in Italy if i (speak) italian

4. I (not/do) that if I (was) you​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Mihaela1613
If I knew her name I would tell you
If I won the lotto I would travel the world
I would work in Italy if I spoke Italian
I wouldn’t do that if I were you

davidoiubogdan12: ba da,am dat
Mihaela1613: dar nu mie
Mihaela1613: mi ai *
davidoiubogdan12: a raspuns celălalt chiar când îți dădeam coroana și i-am dat lui din greșeală, tu o meritai!
davidoiubogdan12: îmi cer mii de scuze :(
Mihaela1613: ok :(( nu i nimic
Mihaela1613: e ok
succes la scoala ❤️
davidoiubogdan12: mulțumesc mult
davidoiubogdan12: Am mai pus o întrebare
davidoiubogdan12: daca mă poți ajuta?
Răspuns de recycledaids

If I knew her name, I would have told you

If I won the lotto, I would have travelled around the world

I would have worked in Italy if I spoke italian

I wouldn't have done that if I were you

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