Va rog ajutati-ma repede cu exercitiul asta, e urgent!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare
1.I like them but I don't play too much, I prefer phone games.
2.I usually read them în weekend, when I'm bored.
3.I usually make it afternoon.
4.Often I meet them in city.
5.I usually have it at 9:00.
1.What do you think of computer games? (ce crezi despre jocurile de pe computer?) raspuns: I like them (Imi plac) or I don't like them (Nu-mi plac)
2.When do you read comics? (cand citesti benzi desenate?) raspuns: I don't read comics ( Nu citesc benzi desenate) or (cand citesti tu daca citesti )
3. When do you do your homework? (cand iti faci temele) raspuns: I do my homework at ... (la ce ora le faci .ex: 2 p.m.)
4.Where do you meet your friends? ( unde te intalnesti cu prietenii tai?) raspuns: I meet my friends in .... (unde te intalnesti tu cu prietenii . ex: in park)
5. What time do you have breakfast on Saturdays? (La ce oră iei micul dejun sâmbăta?) raspuns: I have breakfast at ... (la ce ora mananci mic dejunul Sambata . ex : at 9 a.m)
Sper ca te-am ajutat :)