Engleza, întrebare adresată de astridastrid789, 10 ani în urmă

Va rog ajutati-ma sa scriu traducerea in engleza a fragmentului meu .Va implor nu de pe translate google.Era o zi frumoasa .Parintii mei s-au hotarat sa facem o vizita verisorilor mei in Africa.Cand am ajuns acolo era foarte cald.Ca sa ajungem la verisorii mei trebuia sa luam o camila . Zimbabwe era orasul natal al tatalui meu.Acolo am vazut multi negri,dar si albi .

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Medi2001
It was a beautiful day my

My parents were We decided to visit my cousins ​​in Africa.

When we got there it was very cold

To reach my cousins ​​had to take a camel .

Zimbabwe was the birthplace of my father

There I saw many blacks, and whites.

Ackasha: cold inseamna rece
Medi2001: am gresit m-am grabit
Răspuns de Ackasha
It was a beautiful day.My parents have decided to make a visit to my cousin in Africa.When we got there it was very hot.To reach my cousins had to take a camel. Zimbabwe was the hometown of my father.There I saw many blacks, but whites.
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