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More than four hundreds years ago a brave and determened woman brought 40 years of peace and prosperity to England.
Cu mai mult de patru sute de ani in urma o femeie curajoasa si devotata a adus 40 de ani de pace si prosperitate in Anglia.
Queen Elizabeth I began her life as a neglected princess, whose mother, Anne Boleyn had been executed by her father.
Regina Elisabeta I si-a iceput viata ca o printesa neglijata, a carei mama, Anne Boley a fost executata de catre tatal sau.
She was ignored and imprisoned as a girl, but upon the death of her halft-sister, Queen Mary, Elizabeth became a strong and popular queen.
A fost ignorata si intemnitata fpe cand era inca tanara, dar pentru ca sora ei, regina Maria a murit, Elisabeta a devenit o regina puternica si populara.
She was extremely well educated and also sensible: "I know I have the body of a weak feeble woman but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and a king of England too".
Era foarte educata si deosebit de delicata: "Stiu ca am un trup de femeie slab si firav dar am inima si stomacul unui rege, si chiar al regelui Angliei".
Her people called her "Gloriana", and she became the focal point in their new pride in being English - a people who had defied the Pope and would still defy all their enemies abroad.
Oamenii o numeau "Gloriana", si a devenit punctul central al mandriei lor de a fi englezi - un popor care l-a infruntat pe Papa si care vor infrunta toti dusmanii straini.
Until the Armada actually approached her shores, Elizabeth had no intentions of fighting Spain if she could possibly avoid it.
Pana cand Armada nu s-a apropiat de tarmurile ei, Elisabeta nu a intentionat sa lupte cu Spania daca era posibil.
She hated war, because it interfered with trade and cost far mor than it was worth.
Ea a urat razboiul, pentru ca intr-un razoi se pierde mai mult decat se castiga.
Though she encouraged her "sea-dogs" and had no hesitation in accepting a share of their profits from raiding the Spainsh fleet, she pretended to Philip that she knew nothing of these exploits.
Cu toate ca si-a incurajat "cainii de mare" si nu a ezitat sa primeaza sau sa imparta profiturile din jaful flotei sapniole, a pretins regelui Philip ca nu stia nimic dint toate astea.
Elisabeth was sensible and wise she believed that in England's interests, it was better to scheme to tell lies and even to break traties than to embark upon an offical war.
Elisabeta era sensibila si inteleapta si a crezut ca in interesul al Angliei, era mai bine sa macheze minciuni si chiar sa rupa tratate decat sa se avante intr-un razoi oficial.
The queen's court was a centre for poets, musicians and writers.
Curtea reginei era un centru pentru poeti si sctiitori.
Many people feel the reign of Elizabeth I (1558-1603) is the most glamorous, the most exciting period in English history.
Multi oameni au simtit ca domnia reginei Elisabeta I (1558-1603) este cea mai fascinanta, cea mai frumoasa perioada din istoria Angliei.
This is why it is called The Elizabeth Age or The Golden Age.
De aceea aceasta peioada este numita Epoca Elisabeta sau Epoca de Aur.
More than four hundreds years ago a brave and determened woman brought 40 years of peace and prosperity to England.
Cu mai mult de patru sute de ani in urma o femeie curajoasa si devotata a adus 40 de ani de pace si prosperitate in Anglia.
Queen Elizabeth I began her life as a neglected princess, whose mother, Anne Boleyn had been executed by her father.
Regina Elisabeta I si-a iceput viata ca o printesa neglijata, a carei mama, Anne Boley a fost executata de catre tatal sau.
She was ignored and imprisoned as a girl, but upon the death of her halft-sister, Queen Mary, Elizabeth became a strong and popular queen.
A fost ignorata si intemnitata fpe cand era inca tanara, dar pentru ca sora ei, regina Maria a murit, Elisabeta a devenit o regina puternica si populara.
She was extremely well educated and also sensible: "I know I have the body of a weak feeble woman but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and a king of England too".
Era foarte educata si deosebit de delicata: "Stiu ca am un trup de femeie slab si firav dar am inima si stomacul unui rege, si chiar al regelui Angliei".
Her people called her "Gloriana", and she became the focal point in their new pride in being English - a people who had defied the Pope and would still defy all their enemies abroad.
Oamenii o numeau "Gloriana", si a devenit punctul central al mandriei lor de a fi englezi - un popor care l-a infruntat pe Papa si care vor infrunta toti dusmanii straini.
Until the Armada actually approached her shores, Elizabeth had no intentions of fighting Spain if she could possibly avoid it.
Pana cand Armada nu s-a apropiat de tarmurile ei, Elisabeta nu a intentionat sa lupte cu Spania daca era posibil.
She hated war, because it interfered with trade and cost far mor than it was worth.
Ea a urat razboiul, pentru ca intr-un razoi se pierde mai mult decat se castiga.
Though she encouraged her "sea-dogs" and had no hesitation in accepting a share of their profits from raiding the Spainsh fleet, she pretended to Philip that she knew nothing of these exploits.
Cu toate ca si-a incurajat "cainii de mare" si nu a ezitat sa primeaza sau sa imparta profiturile din jaful flotei sapniole, a pretins regelui Philip ca nu stia nimic dint toate astea.
Elisabeth was sensible and wise she believed that in England's interests, it was better to scheme to tell lies and even to break traties than to embark upon an offical war.
Elisabeta era sensibila si inteleapta si a crezut ca in interesul al Angliei, era mai bine sa macheze minciuni si chiar sa rupa tratate decat sa se avante intr-un razoi oficial.
The queen's court was a centre for poets, musicians and writers.
Curtea reginei era un centru pentru poeti si sctiitori.
Many people feel the reign of Elizabeth I (1558-1603) is the most glamorous, the most exciting period in English history.
Multi oameni au simtit ca domnia reginei Elisabeta I (1558-1603) este cea mai fascinanta, cea mai frumoasa perioada din istoria Angliei.
This is why it is called The Elizabeth Age or The Golden Age.
De aceea aceasta peioada este numita Epoca Elisabeta sau Epoca de Aur.
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