Engleza, întrebare adresată de a1b2c3e4, 9 ani în urmă

va rog ajutatima cit mai repede numai exercitiu 3 si 4 si atit dau coroana si inca 85 de puncte ..............Va rog .................?


Cosmi2004: pune ca dai numai 20 de pcte nu 85!!!
a1b2c3e4: iti dau numai ajutama
Gabi5212: Spune exercitile
a1b2c3e4: exercitiile 3 si 4
Gabi5212: Si cum vrei sa le rezolv daca nu stiu exercitiul, ce iti cere
Cosmi2004: nu mai am timp mi-se descarca laptopul
a1b2c3e4: pe baza textului trebuie sa raspund la intrebari

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de alias1
a) Because he saw Seth stealing the butter
b) He wanted to punish Seth for the theft,by keeping him near the stove,so the butter would melt.
c) Seth didn't wanted to take off his hat because then the shopkeeper would see the hidden butter.
d) I agree with the punishment,because this way Seth got punished and maybe next time won't steal anymore.
a) He said that he must be warm enough or he'll freeze on a night like this
b) He told him to sit down ,not to be in such a hurry
c) Seth has to go,his cows must be hungry.He must go and feed them.
d) The shopkeeper asked Seth to take off his hat as he seemed to be warm
e) He thinks that the fun he had with Seth was worth 9 pence so he won't charge him for the butter.

alias1: Puncte?
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