Alte limbi străine, întrebare adresată de 12taniusa121, 9 ani în urmă

Va rog ajutatima! Dau coroana!

Fill in the blanks with the prepositions with,from,to,of,for,at,on.
a)His face is
b)Marcel bought a tube of tooth-paste...10 lei
c)I'm not familiar...the hygiene rules.
d)There's no remedy...some diseases.
e)Never laugh...ugly people.
f)They soon recovered...sickness.
g)John got angry...his father who refused to buy him new sneakers.
h)It depends much...the correct doctor's decisions when treating an infectious disease.
i)I compared Monica's appearance...her mother's

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Eremia
a-to b-for c-with d-from e-of f-at g-of h-of i-with

12taniusa121: Iti multumesc
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