Engleza, întrebare adresată de progamer87, 8 ani în urmă

va rog ajutatima .. scrieti un text asemanator cu acesta dau coroana​


progamer87: va rog ajutatima
progamer87: mersi mult

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Heyaa chico! Succes la scris amice! Sper ca te-am ajutat!

Hello Emilly! Thank you for your email. This is what i do on weekends when i'm actually free. In weekends we don't go on school so i ussually wake up at 8AM. In Mexico we start start school during the week at about 9PM. I get dressed and after breakfast sometimes i ask my best friends to go outside for a walk. After i'm done whit the walk in the morning whit my best friends i often listen music while i study. Around noon sometimes go for a ride whit Elinor's car. We always have sleepovers whit my best friends close to night. We always have fun togheter! Then we start to go at school again. Hearts whit love, Clair

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