Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreea711811, 8 ani în urmă

va rog ajutatims dau coroana si cate puncte vreti
va rog mult

Writing guide: a description of an accident
Step 1 Plan Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Make notes.
What's the girl's name? Where was she going? what was the weather like? Was she going fast? What did the cat do?
Why did the girl crash her bike?
who saw her after the accident?
What did they do to help? What do you think happened next?
Then decide on the information you want to use in paragraphs 1-3. Write 1, 2 or 3 next to your notes.
Step 2 Write Write a first draft. Use the notes you made in Step 1. Use the model text on page 34 to help you.
Step 3 Check Check your work. Check you use:
suddenly, meanwhile, then
Check your:
Step 4 Write Now write your final copy in your notebook​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ci2879301


Sa traducem textul sau sa rezolvam?

andreea711811: sa rezolvi
andreea711811: am mai pus o intrebare tot asa
andreea711811: Daca vrei sa ma ajuti te rog
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