Engleza, întrebare adresată de butnaruisabella, 9 ani în urmă

va rog am nevoie pentru maine
In pairs ,askand answer questions using the prompts belowas in the example.
SA:Mary went some where yesterday.
SB:Did she go to thetheatre.

1 Mary / go /somewere yesterday.(theatre)
2 Jhon / meet / somebody yesterday.(his boss)
3 Father / repair / something yesterday. (the car)
4 They / visit / somebody yesterday. (the Browns)
5 Shella / buy / something yesterday. (a dress)
6 Tom / talk to / somebody yesterday. (Ben)
7 They / bring / something yesterday. (a cake)

plizzz dau coroana in max. 10 min.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de tatarustefana2
2. -John met somebody yesterday.
-Did he meet his boss?
3. -My father repaired something yesterday.
-Did he repair his car?
4. -They visited somebody yesterday.
-Did they visit the Browns?
5.-Shella bought something yesterday.
-Did she buy a dress?
6. -Tom talked to somebody yesterday.
-Did he talk with Ben?
7. They brought something yesterday.
-Did the bring a cake?
   sper ca te-am ajutat :)
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