Engleza, întrebare adresată de petrachetrandafir, 8 ani în urmă

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de laraandreeaa



Vocabulary Worksheet: My Family

  1. I am Jimmy's sister. He is my brother.
  2. Jane is my mother. I am her daughter.
  3. John and Jane are my parents.
  4. John is Jane's husband.
  5. Jane is John's wife.
  6. Charles is John's father/dad.
  7. John is Charles's son.
  8. Charles is my grandpa/granddad.
  9. Shep, Shelia, Charles and Charlene are my grandparents.
  10. I am Charlene's grandson/granddaughter.
  11. Charlene is John's mother/mum.
  12. Charlene is Jane's mother-in-law.
  13. Jenny is my sister.
  14. John is Shep and Sheila's son-in-law.
  15. Jane is Charles and Charlene's daughter-in-law.

  • mother/mum= mamă
  • father/dad= tată
  • sister= sora
  • brother= frate
  • parents= părinți
  • daughter= fiica
  • son= fiu
  • wife= soție
  • husband= soț
  • grandma/grandmother= bunica
  • grandpa/granddad= bunic
  • grandparents= bunici
  • granddaughter= nepoata
  • grandson= nepot
  • mother-in-law= soacră
  • father-in-law= socru
  • daughter-in-law= nora
  • son-in-law= ginere

Comparative of Superiority

A. Which of the adjectives below do you associate with the city and which with the countryside?

City (Oraș)

  • big = mare
  • exciting = captivant
  • fast = rapid
  • dangerous = periculos
  • polluted = poluat
  • crowded = aglomerat
  • stressful = stresant
  • busy = ocupat
  • noisy = galagios
  • expensive = scump

Countryside (Mediu rural)

  • safe = sigur
  • peaceful = pașnic
  • relaxing = relaxant
  • healthy = sanatos
  • lonely = singur
  • helpful = de ajutor
  • clean = curat
  • boring =plictisitor

C. Now use the adjectives in A and complete the sentences using the comparative or superiority.

  1. The air in the country is cleaner but in the city it is more polluted. (Aerul din mediil rural este mai curat, dar in oraș este mai poluat.)
  2. City life is the most exciting because there are plenty of things you can do. This is why living in the countryside can be more boring. (Viața la oraș este cea mai captivanta pentru ca ai multe lucruri pe care le poti face. De aceea traiul într-un mediu rural poate fi mai plictisitor.)
  3. Cities are more crowded than villages and busier because more people live there. (Orasele sunt mai aglomerate decat satele si mai ocupate pentru ca mai multi oameni locuiesc acolo.)
  4. People in the city may feel more stressful because they don't have time for each other. ( Oamenii din oras s-ar putea sa se simta mai stresati pentru ca nu au timp unult pentru altul.)
  5. In the country, there is less crime, so people feel safer. In the city, life is more dangerous. (In mediul rural este mai puțină crima, deci oamenii se simt mai in siguranta. In oras, viata este mai periculoasa.)
  6. The cost of living in the city is thr most expensive. (Costul vietii la oras este cel mai scump.)
  7. There is a strong sense of community in the country and neighbours are usually more peaceful. (Exista o comunitate foarte legata la țară, iar vecinii sunt de obicei mai pașnici.)
  8. There is less pollution in the country, so people have a healthier life. (Este mai putina poluare in mediul rural, deci oamenii au o viata mai sanatoasa.)
  9. It's quieter and more relaxing in the country. It's noisier in the city because of the traffic. (Este mai liniste si mai relaxanr in mediul rural. Este mai galagios in oras din cauza traficului.)
  10. In the city there is more confusion, so living there can be more stressful. Life in the country is much more peaceful than in the city. (In oras este mai multa confuzie, deci traiul poate fi mai stresant. Viata in mediul rural este mult mai pasnica decât in oras.)
  11. People seem to be faster in the city becayse they are always working and running around. (Lunea pare a fi mai rapida in oras pentru ca mereu lucreaza si fuge de colo-colo.)
  12. Life in the city is faster. The country life moves a bit slower. (Viata in oras eate mai rapida. Viata in mediul rural se misca mai incet.)


petrachetrandafir: Multumesc mult de ajutor ați voi da coroana cand îmi apare
laraandreeaa: Cu drag!
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