Engleza, întrebare adresată de Robitzi, 9 ani în urmă

Va rog cat de rapid puteti 10-15 rânduri compunere cu titlul"Mi-am rupt mana"

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de vanevanessa3i3
Mi-am rupt mana. 

A fost o vacanta lunga, in care am facut o groaza de lucruri. Am patit bune, dar si rele. Una dintre amintiri este cand mi-am rupt mana.
  Eram in curtea bunicii mele. Eu, fiind o persoana foarte hiperactiva, bineinteles ca nu m-a putut opri nimic din a ma urca in copacii din gradina bunicii. Cui ii pasa ca sunt la o inaltime mare? Eu vroiam doar sa ma distrez! Urcandu-ma in nucul din spatele casei, am zarit un mar rosu, chiar in copacul de langa. Eu, spontan, m-am grabit sa ma dau jos din copac, incat sa ajung la acel mar! Era atat de rosu, si mare! Ma grabeam sa ajung, si in graba, mi-am prins piciorul intre 2 crengi, m-am impiedicat si am cazut. Mi-am julit cotul, genunchii, si mi-am rupt mana, ceea ce nu am realizat in acel moment, asa ca am continuat calatoria mea catre marul cel rosu. M-am urcat in mar, am luat ceea ce mi-am dorit, marul durduliu, si m-am dus in casa.
   I-am spus bunicii ca ma doare mana, iar aceasta a rugat unul dintre vecini sa ne duca la spital, ea dandu-si seama ca mana e rupta. Dar ce conteaza ca mi-am rupt mana, macar am luat marul !

Sper ca am fost de ajutor :D

Robitzi: In engleza te rog
vanevanessa3i3: I broke my arm
vanevanessa3i3: This vacation was long. I've do a lot of things. I got good and bad things. One of my memories, is when i broke my arm.
vanevanessa3i3: I was in the garden of my grandma`. Me, being a hiperactive person, surely I can't stop to climb on the trees. Who cares I was on a big height? I just want to have fun! Climbing on the walnut in the back of the house, I saw an very red and big apple, right next to the walnut. Me, spontaneous, I run to get off the tree, and catch the apple.
vanevanessa3i3: Running, I caught my foot between two branches, I tripped, and I fall off. I scraped my elbow, my knees, and I broke my arm. Sure, I didn't realize at the moment. I just wanted to get my apple. So, I was continue my way, climb in the apple tree, and grab my red apple, before I go in house.
vanevanessa3i3: I told my grandma` that my arm hurts, and she ask a neighbor if he can lead me to the hospital, because she realized my arm's broken. But what matters my arm is broken, even I got my apple!
vanevanessa3i3: :)
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