Engleza, întrebare adresată de mariaelenapopa775, 8 ani în urmă

vă rog cât se poate de repede
15 puncte​


Sara10298: Go Pls and plat to da bet

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de miha277777


2.How much butter,How much pizza,how much honey,how many bottles, how many strawberries, how much meat,how many peaches, how much ham,how much salad,how much fish,how many slices.3.How much eggs are there?How much tomatoes juice is there?How many peppers are there?How many packets of pasta are there?How much beans are there?How much pizza is there?How much salt is there?

4.is there,are any,a ham,an orange,any icecream, is any,many tomatoes, is only one, how much butter,any,some sugar. 5.countable:chicken, peas,flour,cheese, peppers, pasta,eggs,toast,carrots, chocolate, prawns,lemons,cucumbers,onions,pears,croissants,cup of tea,bottles of milk,can of coke.Restul sunt uncountable.

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