Vă rog dacă puteți să-mi dați câte 2 exemple pentru fiecare cuvânt, un exemplu când substantivul este numărabil și un exemplu când el este nenumărabil și să specificați în fiecare caz înțelesul lor. Dau coroană și multe puncte!
Vă rog să nu vă bateți joc de răspuns, dacă mă ajutați, vă ajut și eu pe voi dacă pot.

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Experience - I have a lot of experience in this domain. - when it's about a skill you have or something you're good at
The experiences I've had affected me. - memories about specific incidents.
Fire - The building is on fire. - used for a single event
The fires have expanded throughout the forests. - used for several events of the same kinds,
Glass - Can you give me that glass of water? - when we reffer to the container we store liquid in.
Your glasses are quite dirty. - what we use to see better.
Hair - Why is your hair so sticky? - When we reffer to all of our hair.
I found 2 hairs in my food. - when we talk about a few pieces of the hair.
Light - The light coming from the sun is so powerful. - Used when talking about the sun's light.
Turn of the lights please! - For example the light bulbs in a room
Noise - What was that loud noise from your room? - The singular form, when we only heard it once.
Did you hear those noises? - The plural form, when we repeatedly heard it .
Paper - Could you give me a piece of paper? - material that we write on
Those are very important papers. - An important sheet with on information on them.
Room - You are grounded, go back to your room, now! - a section of a building.
La rooms nu stiam exact.
Nu stiu daca sunt bine dar ar trebui sa te ajute cat de cat daca mai ai nevoie