Va rog!! Dau 10 puncte!

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Continuous. Write in your notebook.
Puneți verbele din paranteze la timpul Present Continuous. Scrieți în caietul vostru.
1. My dad is working on the computer now.
2. Is he sleeping at the moment?
3. Mum is not cooking dinner right now.
4. Is Sam eating an apple at the moment?
5. Julie is studying hard for a test now.
Present Tense Coninuous - exprimă o acțiune care se desfășoară în momentul vorbirii (now, right now, at the moment).
- Forma de afirmativ: subiect + is/are + vb-ing
- Forma de negativ: subiect + is not/are not + vb-ing
- Forma de interogativ: Is/Are + subiect + vb-ing
Prezentul Continuu se foloseşte pentru activităţi care se petrec în momentul vorbirii.
" Put the verbs in brackets in the present continuous. Write in your notebook. "
1. My dad is working on the computer now.
2. Is he sleeping at the moment?
3. Mum is not cooking dinner right now.
4. Is Sam eating an apple at the moment?
5. Julie is studying hard for a test now.