Engleza, întrebare adresată de Bya221, 9 ani în urmă

Va rog dau 100pcte si coroana daca raspundeti corect!!!!!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de IuliaS11141
Avatar was directed by James Cameroon. The film was realised bt 20th century fox in 2009. The film was given excelent revieus by the critics. the public was imoressed by the film too.1 bilion dollars werw made by Avatar whitin 3 weeks of his realise.Tow sequells will be made by Cameroon. Some actors have already been asked to star in the sequells.

IuliaS11141: am mai gresit la litere fii atent cand copiezi
IuliaS11141: e tarziu
Bya221: ok mersi mi ai fost de folos
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