Engleza, întrebare adresată de luludorosh2298, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog dau coroana si 10 baluri​


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I think that the government is wrong or at least there's no point in such a decision.

It could be right trying to make people become healthier, but it's not so good working since the public transport is not the only place they could eat, if trying to do so they could come with another solution, such as persuading people eating healthy food instead.

Another reason why this decision is invalid is because people most of the time eat in transport when they're going to work/school or really in a hurry (especially in the morning) and simply have no time to eat at home, but making them throw off eating in the subway or in buses would do otherwise than increasing the health and even damaging the level of work for companies.

luludorosh2298: mersi mult
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