Engleza, întrebare adresată de davidgaming785, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog dau coroana si 40 de puncte!!!
Ex 18 si 19


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de BieaDaria1

Sper ca te-am ajutat!


davidgaming785: Ms mult
BieaDaria1: Cu placere
Răspuns de Outstanding


18) 1. Grandfather hasn`t gone to the cinema for many years.

2. You have known these boys for ten weeks.

3. I haven`t met the Browns for ages.

4. George hasn`t read an English book for three months.

5. We have heard about this singer for one year.

6. I have lost my little dog for two weeks.

7. The children haven`t eaten bananas for months.

8. The dog hasn`t run after the cat for two days.

9. We haven`t understood this thing for a long time.

10. You have loved these people for ages.

19)1. How long has mother been in the kitchen?

Mother has been in the kitchen for half an hour.

2. How long have those pupils learnt this song?

Those pupils have learnt this song for a month.

3. How long have you had this car?

I have had this car for one year.

4.How  long has Pam loved music?

Pam has loved music for a long time.

5. How long have you hated this man?

I have hated this man for two years.

6. How long haven`t I visited her?

I haven`t visited her for three weeks.

7. How long have the girls finished their homework?

Th girls have finished their homework for five minutes.

8. How long has your friend begun the translation?

My friend has begun the translation for four days.

9. How long haven`t we heard from them?

We haven`t heard from them for two years.

10. How long hasn`t Tom written to his parents?

Tom hasn`t written to his parents for three months.


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