Engleza, întrebare adresată de aura9550, 8 ani în urmă

va rog dau coroana și puncte ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de SuntPrafLaMate13047
2. Buckingham Palace is bigger than the White House
3. His desk is more expensive than all our furniture
4. A bed is more comfortable than a sofa
5. The hotel is Santiago is better than the hotel is Buenos Aires
6. Gail’s room is tidier than than Kerry’s

GreenEyes71: Ai greșeli la 5 și 6.
aura9550: mi le spui tu corect te rog
SuntPrafLaMate13047: Am scris is in loc de in
GreenEyes71: Folosește butonul de editare repede, până nu expiră.
Răspuns de lucianitu


1. The Empire State Building is higher than the Eiffel Tower.

2. The White House is bigger than Buckingham Palace.

3. His desk is more expensive than all of our furniture.

4. A bed is more comfortable than a sofa.

5. The hotel in Buenos Aires is better than the hotel in Santiago.

6. Gail's room is tidier than Kerry's.


good: better (comparativ)-best (superlativ)

big: consoana+vocala+consoana: dublam ultima consoana si adaugam -er

tidy- consoana+y: eliminam y si adaugam -ier pentru comparare

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