Va rog din suflet!! ex.17. e urgent!!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Nu inteleg daca trebuie sa fac cu toate sau doar cu una dar am sa incerc cu toate.
library- a place where people go to read or rent books
a place which lets you read or rent books
a place whose purpose is to give people the ability to read or rent books
(nu stiu sa fac cu who)
basket- an object in which you can store items
an object where you can out items
an object whose purpose is to help people store their items
(nu stiu cu who)
glasses- object whose purpose is to help people see
object which is used to repair people's sight
( nu stiu cu where sau who)
supernarket - a place where you can buy stuff
a place which provides many useful things for a price
a place whose purpose is to let people buy needed items.
(nu stiu cu who)
bicycle- object which is used to get to places faster
object whose purpose is to help you get places faster
(nu stiu cu where sau who)
lifeguard- a person whose job is to not let people drown in water
a person who doesn t let people drown
( nu stiu cu which sau where)
teacher-person who teaches
person whose job is to teach
(la fel ca la lifeguard)
Eu sunt 70% sigur ca iti cere numai cu unul dar e bine sa ai mai multe variante.