Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

va rog din suflet ma ajutati cu tema la engleza? varoooggg multt
Complete the conversation using will, ''ll or won't. 
-I want to go walking with Ruth in the Lacke District. 
Is that ok? 
-The lake District? That's long way. How (you get) ...... there? 
-We (go) .... by bus. It (not take)........ very long. 
-What time (you be) ..... back? 
-I don't know but we (not\be)........very late.
-Fine. I (keep) ......... some supper for you. 
-Now, (you be)........ al right? 
- Of course we .........! Don't worry about us. We (be).........fine! MULTUMESC !!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Ntb
- The lake District? That's long way. How will you get there?
-We'll go by bus. It won't take very long.
-What time will you be back?
-I don't know but we won't be very late
-Fine. I'll keep some supper for you
-Now, will you be all right?
-Of course we will! Don't worry about us. We'll be fine!
Cu placeeree!!!
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