Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreibianca885, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog din suflet sa ma ajutați!!​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Tarte


1: They are making a lot of exciting plans for the future.

2: Linda and Bob are staying with us for a few days.

3: Fara greseala

4: He doesn't believe anything I tell him.

5: More and more people are using cars these days.

6: Is your town clean or dirty?

7: Fara greseala

8: We are developing a new system for paying by credit card.

9: His phone ia not working at the moment.

10: My brother studies for three hours every evening.

11: Fara greseala

12: What are you doing while you're in Lisbon?

andreibianca885: Mulțumesc mult!!!!!
Tarte: Nicio problemă
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