Engleza, întrebare adresată de geaninaserban12, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog e urgent pentru ora următoare.Dau 20 de puncte și coroana ,dar vreau răspunsul rapid va rog......


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de NonameA




2the most popular

3the cutest

4more dangerous

5the biggest

6more delicious


1 heavy-heavier than-the heaviest

2hot-hotter than- the hottest

3beautiful-more beautiful than-the most beautiful

4violent-more violent than- the most violent


1 The muosquito's bite is more dangerous than a bee's prick (dangerous)-tantarul

2 The frog is happier than the dog(happy) -broasca

3 The snake's bite is the most deadly. (deadly)-sarpele

4 the ship is sleepier than the snake (sleepy)-oaia-

5 The lion is the most ferocious animal. (ferocious)-leul

6 The brown dog is the most helpful dog (helpful)-cainele maro

7 The yellow dog is lazier than the snake(lazy)-cainele galben

8 The black dog is the most confident dog(confindet)-cainele negru

sper sa te ajute :) bafta

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