Engleza, întrebare adresată de ghiensuyg, 8 ani în urmă

va rog foarte mult!!​


VladStefan167: Ce clasa ești?
ells9: a saptea

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ells9


Mothers love their chils.......

These persons behave like gentlemans

The ladies over there are an old acquaitance of mine

Boys always look up to their father

........ bussiness women running a big company

We are worried for my sisters in law. Them might have a serious disease

We have an old photo of me and my friend on the desk.

They always carrie a handkerchief in their pocket

Our life is unique and irreversible

They have a colourful scarf that matches their new dress

Sper ca te am ajutat, nu garantez ca e corect la o prop sau 2,in rest sunt bune, zic eu:)

ghiensuyg: mulțumesc!
ells9: cu placereee
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