Engleza, întrebare adresată de briosacuvanilie, 8 ani în urmă

vă rog foarte mult!!!
ex "E" e temă (de povestit / făcut o poveste după imagini in lb engleză +150 cuvinte cu titlul "A ghost story")
dau 13 pct + coroană


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de babygurll
there was once a boy who had moved to a new home. he knew nothing about the house or the fact that his house was a ghost. one day he heard a few sounds so you got out of his room and started inspecting the house, looking for what he was looking for, and finally some hands appeared around his throat, making him dizzy and fall down. The next day he was found on foot, was taken to the hospital and everyone said he was crazy and there were no ghosts. Policemen went to his house to inspect the house but nothing, only a treasure hides

ey bine sper sa-ti placa "minunata" mea poveste :)

briosacuvanilie: e suuuuper bună! mulțumesc mult!
babygurll: nu ai pentru ce
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