Engleza, întrebare adresată de oanaoanaLorena, 9 ani în urmă

Va rog foarte mult sa ma ajuta-ti si pe mine
Complete each sentence with a verb and choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to follow it .
1) Tommy learnt to sing all the Beatles songs and then.....(learn) all the Rolling Stones songs.
2) We....(knock) on the door and...(ring) the bell , but no one answered.
3) When was running to the bus stop, I had to...( tie) my shoelace.
4)His mother is really pleased that he has...(smoke).
5) The police told him to move but he...(play) his guitar in the street.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de IsabellaMarya
1.Learnt 2.Knoked and rang 3.Tie 4. Smoked 5. Played

oanaoanaLorena: mersi mult
IsabellaMarya: Cu placere :)
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