Engleza, întrebare adresată de 222200002222, 9 ani în urmă

Va Rog Foarte Urgent Rewrite the sentences using reported speech
a)He said " I hurt my arm yesterday.
b)Mum asked, "How did you twist you ankle ?"
c)She said , "Does Amy dye her hair ?"
d)Hesaid " Ann broke her wrist in an accident."
e)Pete said ,"My arms are so long that I can't find shirts to fit me."
f)The boy says to his father,"When shall we go to the footwear exhibition?"
g)Lily said,"I am sorry,I will not join you at the party"
h)She said,"The dress I bought yesterday is too loose."
i)Linda said,"What did you like at the faishon show last week ?"
j)Greg said,"Why didn't you come to the meeting on Sunday?"

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Rewrite the sentences using reported speech .

Rescrieți enunțurile folosind vorbirea indirectă.



a) He said "I hurt my arm yesterday. ”

He said (that) he had hurt his arm a day before.

b) Mum asked, "How did you twist your ankle?"

Mum asked how he had twisted his ankle.

c) She said , "Does Amy dye her hair?"

She asked if Amy dyed her hair.

d) He said "Ann broke her wrist in an accident."

He said (that) Ann had borken her wrist in an accident.

e) Pete said, "My arms are so long that I can't find shirts to fit me."

Pete said (that) his arms were so long that he could't find shirts to fit him.

f) The boy says to his father, "When shall we go to the footwear exhibition?"

The boy asks his father when they will go to the footwear exhibition.

g) Lily said, "I am sorry, I will not join you at the party".

Lily said (that) she was sorry and that she would not join us at the party.

h) She said, "The dress I bought yesterday is too loose."

She said (that) the dress she had bought a day before was too loose.

i) Linda said, "What did you like at the fashion show last week?"

Linda asked what I liked at the fashion show a week before.

j) Greg said, "Why didn't you come to the meeting on Sunday?"

Greg asked why I hadn't come to the meeting on that Sunday.



Câteva reguli de concordanță a timpurilor când avem astfel de exerciții de trecere de la vorbirea directă la vorbirea indirectă sunt precizate mai jos .

A - Atunci când verbul din propoziția principală este la prezent, verbul din propoziția secundară rămâne la timpul din vorbirea directă:

She says: "I am sure you are ok." >> She says that she is sure I am ok.

B - Atunci când verbul din propoziţia principală (She said, he asked etc.) este la un timp trecut, atunci se schimbă şi timpurile verbale din propoziţia sau propoziţiile secundare, ordonându-se cronologic.

1. Present Tense devine Past Tense:

She said: "I am sure you are ok." >> She said that she was sure I was ok.

2. Past Tense devine Past Perfect:

She said: "I was sure you were ok." >> She said that she had been sure I had been ok.

3. Future devine Conditional Present:

She said: "I will look for you" >> She said that she would look for me.

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