Engleza, întrebare adresată de Nika2005, 9 ani în urmă

Vă rog frumos ajutați-mă, am nevoie urgent.
Underline the right wor or words.
1. The human eye is filled/ stuffed/ completed with a jelly-like fluid / liquid / water thet gives the eye its oval shape. 2. Although the reason/ cause/ determination of glucoma is not exactly / definitely / certainly known, in the early stages / periods / times of this disease, the pressure of the eye's fluid begins to develop / rise / increase in the fron of the eye. 3. This increased pressure / tension / strain causes a rise in pressure at the back of the eye where the retina is situated / located / placed. 4. The retina transfers / transmits / spreads light to the brain. 5. If left untreated the pressure pushes back / against / versus the retina restricting its normal blood supply. 6. The effects of the blood restriction reduce / decrease / diminish the ability to see to side. 7. The inllness / disease / sikness can cause the loss of central vision o total blidness.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Infinity01
1.filled, fluid
2.reason, exactly, periods, increase
3.pressure, placed
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