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Talking Too Much

To better understand a character, a reader needs to carefully study or analyze a character’s personality, qualities, traits, relationships, motivations, and problems.

Parker is such a big talker. He drives David and Andy crazy! Parker thinks he is great at everything. What makes David and Andy even more frustrated with him is the fact that Parker IS good at everything. He always scores goals at soccer games. He scored the most points for the basketball team this year. He won first place overall in the city’s swim competition. He always gets hundreds on his spelling tests. He can finish a math test first and get the best score in the class. How can one person be so good at so much? However, Parker is not good at one thing. He is not good at being a good sport. No matter what Parker does well, he makes sure everyone knows about it. He is also quick to make unkind comments about other kids’ mistakes. If David and Andy have to hear about one more goal they could have scored, or one more basket they should have made, or one more test they should have aced, they are going to scream! David and Andy’s one wish is that Parker learns to be humble. Not many people tell Parker what a good job he does or congratulates him on his accomplishments because Parker has already boasted and bragged about them to everyone. He does not give anyone a chance to learn about anything he has done. He is always the first one to tell about his successes. David and Andy sure wish Parker could be more like Ajay. Ajay is the new kid in class this year. He does not talk much, but he is very good at many sports and is also super smart. It has taken the rest of the kids a while to learn about Ajay and all of his talents. Andy, David, and the other kids are all happy to congratulate Ajay when he scores a goal or gets a great score on a test. Ajay just smiles and says thanks. He often makes a nice comment back to acknowledge someone’s kindness, and he often compliments attempts of others at sporting events or school work. Andy and David have decided they want to learn to act more like Ajay when they experience success. They wish Parker would learn from Ajay, too. Unfortunately, he is busy always patting himself on the back.

Analyzing characters

Name¬ ________________ Grade8

1. Write words that describe Parker.

2. Write words that describe Ajay.

3. Write words that describe both boys.

boastful, unkind, thoughtful, insensitive, humble, intelligent, athletic kind

2. List two examples of how Parker is not a good sport. ________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

3. Why do many people usually not compliment Parker on his accomplishments? ______ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

4. Use context clues to find words from the story to match each definition.

not arrogant ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

impolite ____ ____ ____ ____

remarks ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

aggravated ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

4. 5. Whom do Andy and David want to be like—Parker or Ajay? Why? ___________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

6. Who do you think has more friends—Parker or Ajay? Why? __

Read about a famous athlete or musician. On another piece of paper, write if he or she is a good role model and why.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AnaIndrecan

1. Parker is a big talker. He is really arrogant and full of himself. He brags about about his accomplishments and makes everyone feel bad when they get something wrong. He is really unkind to other kids just to boost his own ego.

2. Ajay is a quiet kid. He is really humble and knows when to thank someone when they congratulate him, unlike someone. He is talented and smart and loves to compliment other people as well.

3. Parker: unkind, boastful, insensitive,

athletic kind, intelligent

Ajay: thoughtful, humble, intelligent,

athletic kind

2. Well, for starters he is arrogant, like really arrogant, always talking about himself, and secondly he makes people feel bad when they make mistakes and he makes sure that they feel bad!

3. People don't compliment Parker on his accomplishments because he won't show any gratitude. He would most likely tell them "I know." and he would just start to brag about himself.

4. not arrogant = humble

impolite = good sport

remarks = comments

aggravated = frustrated

5. They want to be like Ajay because he is smart, talented and a lot more nicer and he knows how to behave well with other people. He is very layed back and knows when to show gratitude. On the other hand, Parker might be good at everything, but his attitude is really bad. He doesn't know how to compliment someone without talking about himself first and he doesn't care about how he makes people feel, as long as he is good.

6. I think that Ajay has more friends because he is nicer and he is humble. Plus, he attempts to always compliment other people's accomplishments and he thanks them when they compliment him.

7. Little Mix

Little Mix is a girl group from U.K. and I really look up to them. Their songs are all about loving yourself and making yourself feel confident, aswell as talking about women empowerment and women right. They also support the LGBT+ rights and they're not afraid to talk about it. They are one of the most inspiring women I've ever met. They have been through a lot back in the day, but them being them, they got through it and now they are even more stronger. It's amazing, really, with all the hate that they've gotten in the past, they've managed to pull through. They deserve all the respect they can get and so much more!

Good luck! :)

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