Engleza, întrebare adresată de ds9695367, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog frumos ajutați ma la ex asta. Dau coroana și 100 de puncte.Urgent!!
1.Complete the gapped sentences so that they have a similar meaning to the original ones, using the words given.​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de 8Pandicornul8genial8

1. had been camping for

2. the first time she

3. hit before declaring

4. did he sprain

5. does rock climbing since

Răspuns de Pyrolytic


1. It's two weeks since Ted went camping.

Ted has been camping for the past two weeks.

3. They didn't declare a state of emergency until after the storm had hit.

They waited until the storm had passed before declaring a state of emergency.

4. How long is it since he sprained his ankle?

When did he sprain his ankle?

5. Kevin began rock climbing when he was 15.

Kevin has been rock climbing since he was 15.


La punctul 2 n-am stiut.

O seara/zi frumoasa!

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