Engleza, întrebare adresată de edina67, 8 ani în urmă

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Martial arts Forget bone-crunching scenes from Bruce Lee movies. The martial arts you see on the big screen look dangerous, what's taught in the gym is not. And martial arts offer good exercise, fun and mental discipline. 5 Martial arts were developed centuries ago in China, Korea and Japan. The most popular styles are taekwondo, karate and judo. Taekwondo and karate involve striking an opponent or object with hands, feet, elbows or knees. Judo requires throwing and pinning down an opponent without striking him 10 or her. Fact file Health benefits: You can develop power, speed, flexibility and a stronger cardiovascular system. Other benefits: Martial arts increase self-confidence and teach sellf-discipline, self-control and respect for others Equipment At the beginning only a gi a white jacket and loose trousers. Later on for karate and judo: a mouth guard. For tackwondo: the above items plus gloves, padded boots, a helmet and a chest protector. Tips on finding and a chest protector. Tips on finding and choosing a class .Find out where you can learn. Ask your sports teacher if he/she can recommend a place where you can leam karate. You can also look in the yellow pages or contact The Sports Council. . Visit several clubs. Don't simply pick the one nearest your home. . Rnd out how much it costs. You should be able to pay monthly and stop whenever you want.
Find out the student-teacher ratio. It shouldn't be more than 13 to 1. Find out about the teaching. Don't be afraid of saying. Td like to know how students are taught.' A good club should be able to explain and invite you to watch a class. Ask what safety equipment is used. Sit in on a class. Are the students enjoying therselves? Do they show respect for one another and for the instructor? Be sure the school instils the discipline needed to use the art responsibly. You will be taught skills that could be used to injure others. Talk to an instructor. Instructors should have at least seven years' training experience. The answer to a direct but polite 'Could you tell me why this school is better than others?' could help you make up your mind. Don't be impressed by trophies. They can be bought at sport and hobby shops.


Snijana122: spunetimi va rog ce faci cu punctele acumulate?
GuestyNaty: Poți să pui întrebări.Dacă peste 7 zile nu îți răspunde nimeni,punctele ți se dă înapoi :))
GuestyNaty: Ți se dau* Imi cer scuze
Snijana122: si ce ai din asta ca akumuezi punctele?
GuestyNaty: Păi cand ajungi la un anumit nr de puncte,o să primești un titlu.De exemplu eu sunt ambițios și în curând o să fiu maestru.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de jonny3414


asta e raspunsul, succes


edina67: Mulțumesc!❤❤❤
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