Engleza, întrebare adresată de Anamateromana1234, 9 ani în urmă

Va rog frumos ajutatima.Scrieti acest text in Lb. Engleza!!!!
Buna.Astazi vreau sa va spun cum am sarbatorit eu sarbatorile de iarna.Prima data am sarbatorit Craciunul.De Craciun am pregatit masa cu tot felul de mancaruri,prajituri,sucuri si multe altele,iar apoi am asteptat invitatii,prieteni,rudele si am sarbatorit.Apoi am fost la rude si la prieteni,am mai stat de vorba cu ei de unele lucruri si unde vom sarbatori Revelionul.Apoi am sarbatorit Revelionul pe care l-am sarbotorit la varul meu alaturi de cei dragi.Dupa revelion am sarbatorit Sfantul Vasile la care a avut loc onomastica zi a tatalui meu si a fratelui.Anul 2015 a fost un an frumos,cu multe invataturi si cu multe evenimente de neuitat.Anul cel nou 2016 sper sa fie un an la fel ca 2015. Va rog ajutatima!!!!!!!Multumesc celui care imi da raspunsul! Dau coroana!

jdgmental: Multumesc ca ai scris un text in romaneste! E mult mai usor pt noi de rezolvat asa, decat sa scriem un text de la noi :)
Anamateromana1234: Cum pot da coroana?
Belieberbea: Buna.Astazi I want to tell you how I celebrated holidays iarna.Prima Craciunul.De celebrated Christmas time I am ready meal with all sorts of dishes, cakes, juices and much more, and then we expected guests, friends, relatives, and I sarbatorit.Apoi I was with relatives and friends, we talked to her about things and where we have celebrated the New Year holidays Revelionul.Apoi that I sarbotorit my cousin with the New Year we celebrated St. dragi.Dupa Basil held my father's birthday and the day 
jdgmental: Belieberbea vezi ca trebuie pus spatiu dupa semne de punctuatie si inainte de cuvant, altfel Google Translate nu recunoaste cuvintele. 

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de jdgmental
Hi. Today I would like to tell you how I celebrated the winter holidays. First I celebrated Christmas. For Christmas we prepared dinner with all sorts of food, cookies, juices any many other things, and then we waited for our guests - friends, relatives - and we all celebrated together. Then we visited with relatives and friends, we talked about different things and about where we would celebrate New Year's Eve. Then we celebrated New Year's, which I spent at my cousin's together with my loved ones. After new year's we celebrated St. Basil, which is my father's and my brother's name day. 2015 was a nice year, with many learnings and unforgettable events. I hope 2016 is just like 2015. 

Anamateromana1234: Multumesc.Dar cum dau coroana?
jdgmental: Aaa... nu stiu... cred ca trebuie sa il alegi ca cel mai bun raspuns (dar nu stiu cum)
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