Engleza, întrebare adresată de ariana7662, 8 ani în urmă

va rog frumos daca m-ati putea ajuta sa compun un eseu in limba engleza de 100 de cuvinte despre sora mea ( o cheama Paticia si are 16 ani) va roggg urgent ​

KazumiHoshiOwO: poti sa imi spui ce culoare are parul si ochii si ce calitati are?
ariana7662: are parul cafeniu ochii verzisi e foarte ajutatoare,ințelegatoare,mereu cu zambetul pe fata
KazumiHoshiOwO: ok ms acum o sa raspund

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de KazumiHoshiOwO

My sister

My sister Paticia is 16 years old. She is very cool!

She has brown hair and hazel eyes. She is very helpful, understanding and she always has a smile on her face.

She is an example for me, and I really admire her. She is always there for me, and I'm always there for her, through good and bad times.

We always stick together and we are inseparable. She is the best sister in the world, and I wouldn't replace her for anyone.

I love my sister and she loves me!

KazumiHoshiOwO: Ps: hazel inseamna un fel de verde maroniu asa. Sper sa o fi spus corect xD
ariana7662: multumesc multtt❤❤❤
KazumiHoshiOwO: Cu mare placere!
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