Engleza, întrebare adresată de AlexandraMeroneac, 8 ani în urmă

va rog frumos
dau coroană si ma abonez urgent ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de asygabry11
  1. have
  2. you working
  3. bought
  4. prefer
  5. have
  6. had
  7. knows
  8. goes
  9. you see , looked
  10. feel
  11. have
  12. belongs
  13. heard , told
  14. contains
  15. always had
  16. are you wearing , looked
  17. smells
  18. are you doing , am enjoying
  19. did the new neighbour come from
  20. does your dad do , does he do , is looking
Alte întrebări interesante