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O pensionara a petrecut o ora in celulele politiei dupa ce a refuzat sa returneze mingea unui tanar vecin. Anthony Simms, in varsta de 13 ani, a trimis mingea de fotbal in gradina bine intretinuta a Dorotei Wilson din satul Kidlington din Oxfordshire. Anthony, sustinut de mama sa, a intrebat daca ar putea primi mingea inapoi. Dna. Wilson a refuzat si dna. Simms a chemat politia.
Ofiterul i-a cerut dnei. Wilson sa returneze mingea. Dna. Wilson, care e atat de mandra de gradina ei incat permite publicului sa oS vada de doua ori pe an, a refuzat. Sugestiile precum ca o femeie de 60 de ani ar trebui sa se comporte potrivit varstei au fost ignorate.
Ofiterul de politie a arestat-o pe dna. Wilson si a dus-o la sectia de politie, unde ea a fost inchisa intr-o celula timp de mai bine de o ora. Dna. Wilson a refuzat sa accepte un avertisment oficial si sa incheie diferendul. Ulterior a fost eliberata pe cautiune dar s-a sugerat ca ar putea fi amendata cu pierderea timpului de catre politisti.
Dna. Wilson nu crede ca ar trebui sa inapoieze mingea. Ea afirma ca aproape patruzeci de mingi au aterizat in gradina ei in ultimii trei ani, de cand familia Simms s-a mutat in vecinatate, si ca le-a oprit pe toate. “Probabil voi fi arestata din nou pana sa se termine saptamana. Daca ei vor sa fie atat de limitati, n-au gasit omul potrivit” a afirmat ea. Mama lui Anthony, Hannah, in varsta de 37 de ani, afirma ca Anthony ar trebui sa fie mai grijuliu, dar ca dna. Wilson ar trebui sa ii dea mingile inapoi. “Am fost atat de nervoasa ca ea e atat de meschina incat am telefonat politiei” a afirmat ea.
Privind inapoi ea se gandeste ca nu ar fi trebui sa faca asta. “Ofiterul a revenit si a spus ca intentioneaza sa o aresteze pe motiv de furt si am fost foarte socata. N-am crezut ca povestea va merge atat de departe”.
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An olf lady spent an hour in police cells after she refused
to give back a young neighbor's ball who kicked his football
into the garden of Dorothy Wilson. The boy asked back the ball but Mrs Wilson refused, and the boy's mother called the police .
The asked Mrs Wilson to return the ball but she refused. All the suggestions that a woman in her sixties should act her age were ignored. The police officer arrested Mrs Wilson and took her to the police station. She was locked up in a cell for more than an hour. She was released on police bail but there were suggestions that she might be charged with wasting police time. Mrs Wilson doesn't think she should have returned the ball. She says a lot of ball landed in her garden over the past three years, since the Simms family moved in, and she kept all of them. Anthony's mother says that Anthony should have been more careful, but that Mrs Wilson should have given the balls back. She was angry and this was why she called the police. Looking back, she now thinks she shouldn't have done this because it was possible Mrs. Wilson to be arrested on suspicion of theft.
The asked Mrs Wilson to return the ball but she refused. All the suggestions that a woman in her sixties should act her age were ignored. The police officer arrested Mrs Wilson and took her to the police station. She was locked up in a cell for more than an hour. She was released on police bail but there were suggestions that she might be charged with wasting police time. Mrs Wilson doesn't think she should have returned the ball. She says a lot of ball landed in her garden over the past three years, since the Simms family moved in, and she kept all of them. Anthony's mother says that Anthony should have been more careful, but that Mrs Wilson should have given the balls back. She was angry and this was why she called the police. Looking back, she now thinks she shouldn't have done this because it was possible Mrs. Wilson to be arrested on suspicion of theft.
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