vă rog frumos............... Fără Answer the questions

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns: Mark couldn't believe his good luck. His trip to Sweden was a great success. Besides the fact that he had plenty of free time on his hands and he could visit Vasa museum in Stockholm, he also found a bill of 500 euro on the ground as he was walking on the most narrow street of Europe, which is found in Sweden. The museum looked funny from the outside but inside it was gorgeous. There were old clothes, old tools, even the people on the ship were recreated in 3d based on the skeletons they have found. The ship was huge, it had two floors and they even had a cat on the deck. He fell in love with the artwork. This ship only made it 500 meters in water then it sank because the greatest architects from around the world made it but they forgot that some measure in inches and some in meters and they messed up. The ship survived under the water and it remained intact only because it sank in sweet water where certain water termites did not exist.
His plane got in time, he got a really good deal on the hotel price and over all that he also had time to meet with some friends that he hasn't seen in years. Everything about the trip was perfect.
Traducere: Lui Mark nu ii venea sa creada. Excursia lui in Suedia a fost un mare succes. Pe langa faptul ca a avut mult timp pe maini si a putut vizita muzeul Vasa din Stockholm (capitala Suediei), a gasit de asemenea o bacnota de 500 de euro pe jos in timp ce mergea pe cea mai ingusta strada din Europa (chiar exista, cea mai ingustra strada din europa si se afla in Suedia). Muzeul arata amuzant de afara dar in interior era nemaipomenit. Erau haine vechi, unelte, chiar si oameni recreati in 3d, bazat pe scheletii gasiti. Corabia era imensa, avea 2 etaje si au avut si o pisica pe punte. Mark s-a indragostit de arta. Aceasta corabie a mers doar 500 metri pe apa si apoi s-a scufundat pentru ca cei mai mari arhitecti din lume au lucrat sa il construiasca dar au uitat ca unii dintre ei masurau in inchi si altii in metri si au dat gres. Corabia a supravietuit sub apa si a ramas intacta doar fiindca a esuat (adica s-a dus la fund) in apa dulce, undeva unde termitele nu erau in apa. (Aceasta corabie e din lemn)
Avionul lui a ajuns la timp, a gasit un pret foarte bun pentru hotel si pe langa toate acestea, a avut si timp sa isi intalneasca niste prieteni ce nu ii vazuse de ani de zile. Totul despre aceasta excursie a fost perfect.
Explicație: Ti se cere sa iti imaginezi ca te-ai inscris la o competitie de scriitori si sa scrii o poveste scurta ce incepe cu "Mark nu ii venea sa creada...."
Eu am fost in Suedia la muzeul Vasa si de aici vine povestea. Coroana!