va rog frumos imi trebuie urgent

Răspunsuri la întrebare
After she hung out the washing it began to rain.
Fiona tied the house by the time the children arrived home.
When the guest left she started cleaning.
Before they went to the school the girls put on their uniforms.
Already the meeting started when the lights went out.
COROaNA? virus
Hi there!
Cerinta: Mai intai, spuneti care actiune s-a intamplat prima, apoi uniti propozitiile folosind cuvintele din paranteza, ca in exemplu.
2. After she had hung out the washing, it began to rain.
3. Fiona had tidied the house by the time the children arrived home.
4. The guests had left when she started cleaning.
5. The girls had put their uniforms before they went to school.
6. The meeting had already started when the lights went out.
Explicatie: Folosim Past Perfect Simple atunci cand este vorba despre o actiune incepu.ta si incheiata inaintea unei alte actiuni trecute (bold); pentru actiunea care s-a petrecut dupa, folosim Past Simple (italic).