Engleza, întrebare adresată de catalinacata512, 9 ani în urmă

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Lavianda

Until about 250 years ago,households did not take the dirt as seriously as they do now - it was a fact of life and that was that.Cleaning often consisted of an annual ritual called 'spring cleaning' when the furniture was moved aside, and all the linen products in the house were cleaned.Carpets snd rugs were taken outside hung on ropes and had dust beaten out them - an exhausting and messy process.The industrial revolution brought about a major change - as new products became available to make homes cleaner.

In urma cu aproximativ 250 de ani,gospodarii nu luau in serios murdaria cum in zilelel de azi - era o fapta a vietii si asta a fost asta.Curatenia adesea era constituita dintrun ritual anual numit 'Curatenia de Primavara' cand mobila era pusa de o parte si toate produsele randuite in casa erau curatate.Covoarele si  paturile erau scoase afara insirate pe franghii si praful erau batut din ele - un proces obositor si murdar.Revolutia industriala a provocat o schimbare majora - caci au devenit disponibile noi produse pentru a face casele mai curate.

Sper ca te-am ajutat.Succes

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