Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

va rog îmi trebuie acumaaa e urgent ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de valentinafrancu82
When Alex Jones (arrived )at JFK International airport she (looked) around but she (didn’t )see anybody there to meet her. A lot of people (were holding )cards with names on them, but they (weren’t waiting )for her. She (didn’t know )what to do, but it (was) a beautiful, sunny day so she (decided) to go to the hotel on her own.

She (went )outside (and looked )for a taxi. A lot of people (were waiting )so she (caught) the airport bus into New York. The bus (stopped )in Manhattan and she (got off).

She (walked )into the hotel and (gave )her name, Alexandra Jones. She (was talking )to the hotel receptionist when suddenly a man (was runing) up to her. He (was carrying )a card (which said )‘Mr Jones’.

‘Ms Jones? I’m terribly sorry! I was (waiting )for you at the airport but i(thought )you (were )a man!’

‘That’s OK,’ (said )Alex. ‘It happens to me all the time!’
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