Engleza, întrebare adresată de sarbalex819, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog îmi trebuie urgent!!!!!!!!!!!!dau coroana​


Yashimi: She cooks well.
sarbalex819: ok
sarbalex819: ok
Yashimi: De fapt, 1
Yashimi: 1. Cooks, 2. Pays, 3. Opens, 4. Hates, 5. Meets, 6. Tells, 7. Hear, 8. Ride, 9. Shows, 10. Sleeps 11. Have to, 12. Teaches, 13. Drink, 14. Camp, 15. Writes, 16. Goes, 17. Rings, 18. Try, 19. Means, 20. Am, 21. Buy, 22. Costs. Sper că te ajută!
genieRo: Yashimi sa stii ca raspunsul tau ar fi corect dara exercitiul ar fi la viitor,dar bazandune pe intrebarile exercitiule se vede ca este la past/past simple
genieRo: daca*

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de genieRo


She cooked well.

She paid a large sum of money for that picture

She opened the book and read a few lines

He hates to keep you waiting

He meets many people on his way to work

The doctor told him to stop smoking

I like very good music

We rode on horseback during our holiday

He showed us his library

He slept well

I had to buy some more food

He taught both French and English

You drank your milk quickly

They camped in a great forest

She wrote many letters home

He went to his office by car

The telephone bell rang

We tried to learn this song by heart

It meant a lot to us

I was not allowed to show you her letter

We bought clothes in this little shop

This coat cost very little

sarbalex819: mulțumesc mult
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