Engleza, întrebare adresată de Kawaii27, 9 ani în urmă

Va rog mult! Am nevoie se o compunere la engleza cu titlul: "Why do you think the first seven years of life are very important for everyone?". 350 cuvinte! Vaaa rooogg chiar am nevoie pana maine si nu stiu ce ma fac daca nu am compunerea asta! 50 puncte+coronița daca e corecta, iar daca nu, sterg raspunsul

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de CancerousLifeXD
Well i think they are really important cause you learn a lot of things about life and get ready, get educated and all, but you can have fun. I mean you are in kindergarten and there you can do whatever you want. and then you get in 1st grade then it starts getting harder but till then you need to enjoy your life and play outside, of course not on your computer or tablet, just play with your friends, but all you need to know is that education is very important and getting used to the people, that's why i think the first 7 years of life are really important

Kawaii27: Chiar daca nu e asa lunga pe cat credeam, iti multumesc ca ai incercat! Apreciez efortul si compunerea ta chiar ma ajuta!
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