Engleza, întrebare adresată de andrewsonxx863, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog mult!!!! ca nu prea stiu cum sa fac​


andrewsonxx863: multumesc mult!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de emma8686

salut, sunt aici sa te ajut!

I. dear Bella,

i have finally won the gimnastics contest! I'm really happy! i had to do some special moves and jumps! I'm really good at that! i feel really glad that i won, i also won the first place! i won a really big golden trophy, with my name on it! ot also has a yellow ribbon! i think that I'm going to put it on my desk! Also, the other contestants that didn't win, got a smaller prize! a silver medal, or a bronze medal !

I'm really happy that i won, and I'm really excited for my next contest too! I'm thinking that I'll be going to a contest in Wales next week, or to a contest In Liverpool! I'm really nervous, but really exited at the same time!

email me back! I'm waiting! :)

from :......................... (aici scrii numele tău)

II. Hi james!

Me and my classmates really miss you since you left England

how is it there in Italy? is the school different?

Also, i will tell you some things and the latest news from here, in England!

our school got involved in the "save nature" campaign! we did some outdoor activities, and we all got a special test(but it wasn't difficult!, )

in the test, there were a few easy questions about how we can save nature! it was really interesting! every student got a good grade!

Do you celebrate Christmas in Italy? here in England I'm already decorating the house, since Christmas is here! tomorrow we are going to put the Christmas tree! i can't wait to decorate it!

email me back, I'm waiting! hope you have a great time there, in Italy!

from:................ (aici scrii numele tău)

sper ca te-am ajutat! as aprecia mulțumiri, steluțe, sau chiar o coroană!

multe gânduri pozitive in continuare, si succes in școală!

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