Va rog mult de tot am nevoie repede
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Exprima o actiune fata de care stim: ca s-a intamplat intr-o perioada definita din trecut, care s-au incheiat in trecut, pentru a vorbi despre persoane care nu mai sunt printre noi, pentru actiuni care s-au petrecut la scurt timp una dupa cealalta. Il recunosti dupa expresiile de timp: yesterday, last night/day/week/Wednesday, ago, when
Afirmativul: S+verb(a doua forma: go-went-gone) I went to the mall yesterday. Charlie Chaplin had 11 children. He repaired the bike, then he rode it.
Interogativul: Il formezi cu did(pentru toate persoanele)+ S+ verb la infinitiv(nu pui "-s" sau "es" la finalul verbului la persoana a III-a singular, cum procedezi la present simple) Did he goes...GRESIT
Did he/she/it go into the living room?
Negativ: Il formezi cu "not", evident poti folosi si prescurtari. S+did+not+verb la infinitiv(si pastrezi regula de mai sus, dah...): He didn't/did not go the the library. Răspuns:
1)While she wasn't/was not looking I took a photo of her.
2)When I woke up it was raining.
3)She was cleaning the kitchen when he arrived.
4)John was playing the piano when his dad came home.
5)I was doing my homework when suddenly a bird flew through my window.
6)As the teacher was writing on the whiteboard a student was sleeping on the desk.
7)At 6 pm yesterday Ii was cooking and my brother was playing on computer.
8)Tina was doing the washing up while the children were playing.
9)What were you doing at 6 pm yesterday?
10)Claire was talking on the phone when someone knocked at her door.
Past continuous Se foloseste pentru: actiuni care sunt in desfasurare in trecut(nu stim mereu cand au inceput sau cand s-au terminat),pentru o actiune trecuta care era in desfasurare atunci cand o alta actiune trecuta a intrerupt-o; vezi ex. mai jos), pentru mai multe actiuni simultane(while,as), pentru a descrie peisajul. Il recunosti dupa expresiile de timp:when, while,as.
Afirmativ: S+ were/was(doar pentru persoana I singular si a III-a singular: he/she/it)+verb cu terminatia "ing". Este exact ca present continuous, doar ca ii mai adaugi un was/were...: I was looking at the sea this time yesterday. He was reading the news when the phone rang. I was watchin TV while my dad they were doing their homework. The birds were singing, the ice was melting and the horses were running across the field.
Interogativ: Were/was+S+verb cu terminatia "ing": Was he crying while you were partying? That's sad
Negativ: Cu "not", poti folosi prescurtarile.
I recognise, I wasn't/was not doing my homework when you got into my room, I was just pretending(teapaaaaaa, haa)
Past simple: Exprima o actiune fata de care stim: ca s-a intamplat intr-o perioada definita din trecut, care s-au incheiat in trecut, pentru a vorbi despre persoane care nu mai sunt printre noi, pentru actiuni care s-au petrecut la scurt timp una dupa cealalta in trecut, evident. Il recunosti dupa expresiile de timp: yesterday, last night/day/week/Wednesday, ago, when
Afirmativul: S+verb(a doua forma: go-went-gone) I went to the mall yesterday. Charlie Chaplin had 11 children. He repaired the bike, then he rode it.
Interogativul: Il formezi cu did(pentru toate persoanele)+ S+ verb la infinitiv(nu pui "-s" sau "es" la finalul verbului la persoana a III-a singular, cum procedezi la present simple) Did he goes...GRESIT
Did he/she/it go into the living room?
Negativ: Il formezi cu "not", evident poti folosi si prescurtari. S+did+not+verb la infinitiv(si pastrezi regula de mai sus, dah...): He didn't/did not go the the library.