Engleza, întrebare adresată de raducojocaru, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog mult de tot imi trebuie maine


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de 3448292926483


la 11 ti-am răspuns eu

la 12 doar asculta ce zice și trebuie sa pui cuvintele alea I ordinea pe care a zis-o

nu te pot ajuta la exercițiile acestea fără textul scris, dacă nu îl pot auzii, dar îți spun la 13, dar la 11 te-am ajutat deja

apoi la 13 asculți ce zice și spui adevărat sau fals

la 14: 1. a)

2. c)

3. c)

4. b)

raducojocaru: iti dau link si asculti tu si imi zici e ok?
3448292926483: ok, da poți sa îmi dai coroana, te rog
Răspuns de amysunxflower

Exercițiul 12

- the weather

- the people

- the food

- transport

Exercițiul 13

1. True

2. False

3. False

4. Tr

5. True

Exercițiul 14

1. A) Real stories that weren't too long

2. C) Because he couldn't read them all out on the radio

3. B) To pick and choose stories from the book

4. B) He liked it became of the stories are very moving.

( Exercițul 15 o să-l scriu în comentarii)

raducojocaru: ok multumesc
raducojocaru: astept
amysunxflower: One of my favaorite books is The Queen's Gambit by Walter Tevis. It's about a girl named Elizabeth Harmon. When she was sent to an orphanage at the age of 8, Beth (her nickname) discovered 2 ways to escape her surroundings: playing chess and taking the green pills that are given to her and the other children at the orphanage to keep them subdued. Before long, it becomes apparent that hers is a prodigious talent, and as she progresses to the top of the US chess rankings she is able to forge...
amysunxflower: ... a new life for herself. But she can never quite overcome her urge to self-destruct. For Beth, there's more at stake than merely winning and losing. I like this book because it managed to portrait genius, addiction, succes and survival in a really interesting way.
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