Engleza, întrebare adresată de maria53029, 8 ani în urmă

va rog mult e urgent dau coroana ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de gmorandi7


Look at the map in exercise 1 and write sentences.

Use there is / there are or there isn’t / there aren’t.

1 There is a bank on the map.

2 There are mountains in the picture.

3 There isn't any snow in the city. There is snow on the mountain tops.

4 There isn't any airport on the map.

5 There is a supermarket next to the library.

6 There aren't rivers on the map.


Look at the map again. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

behind, between, in front of, next to opposite

1 The school is opposite the library. (este peste drum)

2 The newsagent’s is behind the supermarket.

3 The library is between the museum and the newsagent’s.

4 The bank is behind the chemist’s.

5 The hotel is next to the newsagent’s.

6 The chemist’s is next to/opposite the school. (e o alee mică între ele, clădirile sunt din profil, deci ar putea fi una sau cealaltă)

7 The museum is next to the library.

8 The supermarket is in front of the newsagent’s.

6 Read and complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Ben    (1) Do you have a favourite free-time activity?

Emily    Well, I like(2) to meet my friends in town.

Ben      What(3) do you do there?

Emily  We(4) go shopping or we (5) sit

          in a café with a drink.

Ben    Really? Sounds boring!

Emily (6) Don't you and your friends like


Ben  No, we (7) hate it. Jack sometimes

       (8) goes shopping with his sister, but

       we usually (9) play football or we

       (10) ride our bikes.

Emily Very healthy! Look, I (11) am hungry.

         Let’s have something to eat.

Ben   Sure!


Dar înțelegi?  Lecția este despre simple present. Cuvintele sunt foarte puține. Am atașat aici pagina din manual pe care o aveai de învățat, ca să o ai la îndemână, și să urmărești pe hartă.


maria53029: mulțumesc foarte mult
gmorandi7: ⛺️
gmorandi7: cu multă plăcere
gmorandi7: ⚽️
maria53029: oare scuză-mă ca te deranjez la ora asta dar ma poți ajuta la încă un ex.?
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