Engleza, întrebare adresată de shoda15, 8 ani în urmă

a. You _____ join the meeting on Friday, but you _____ if you like.
a) shouldn't / were able to
b) can't / shouldn't
c) mustn't / needn’t
d) needn't / can
b. _____ you read this text for me so that I _____ type it quickly?
a) Will / should
b) Can / must
c) Could / can
d) May / can
c. We _____ all the major points now because we _____ again until next Sunday.
a) don't need to discuss / shouldn't meet
b) can't discuss / can't have been meeting
c) must be discussing / didn't have to meet
d) should discuss / won't be able to meet
d. She _____ well when she first got her driving licence, but she _____ it by now.
a) wasn't able to drive / shouldn't have learnt
b) isn't able to drive / must learn
c) couldn't drive / must have learnt
d) didn't have to drive / will be able to learn
e. I think we _____ very early tomorrow; or else, we _____ our flight.
a) must be leaving / should miss
b) will have to leave / may miss
c) can leave / ought to miss
d) must leave / might have missed

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sonya62
a) You needn’t join the meeting on friday but you can if you like(d)

b) Could you read this text for me so that I can type it quickly? (c)

c) We should discuss all the major points now because we wont be able to meet again until next Sunday. (d)

d) She couldn’t drive well when she first got her driving license but she must have learnt it by now(c)

e)I think we will have to leave very early tomorrow or else we may miss our flight. (b)
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