Engleza, întrebare adresată de mihaelabudurinows69u, 9 ani în urmă

va rog mult
match the beginnings from column A with the endings from column B
1. some teachers appear to be natural leaders and performers while...
2.the success of many activities depends on good organization and on...
3. the teacher is a human being as well...
4.general education is concerned with developing various individuals so that...
5. if indeed the children of the country are the nation resources upon which we must draw to solve the pressing problem of our shortage of scientists, then...
6. without activation potentialities may be...
7.the beginning teacher should expect throughout her teaching responsibilities to modify...
a) ... happy and troubled, with the goals and aspirations of all human beings
b)... continually his/her objectives as he/she learns more about children and the subject he/she teachers.
c)... they will be able to utilize their capacities in planning and living their own lives with competence
d)... some feel better when pupils are interacting among themselves.
e)... lost or turned to other areas.
f)... the pupils knowing exactly what they are to do.
g)... those who teach them remain the key to the solution of this problem.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de GeaninaRaluca

Utilizator anonim: poți sa ma ajuți
Utilizator anonim: terogg
Utilizator anonim: e în engleza
Utilizator anonim: Draw lines and match the words!
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